Key Concepts
Trajectory: Getting most distance from a projectile.
Drag: How materials and shape cause drag.
Darts vs Gliders: Stragies for different room sizes.
All Fly for Fun days are video rich PowerPoint presentations designed to explain key aerodynamic concepts particular to contest events. The mix of events creates a comprehensive understanding of flight dynamics. League paper and other contest materials are available through the store on this website. For sample videos go to The Contest section.
Required Materials for each person:
Two sheets of US letter size paper (20lb or 22lb will work well). USFAFL official paper is avaiable through this website.
Allow 90 minutes to complete this activity which includes learning:
1. Making a projectile paper airplane
2. Best trajectory
3. Drag and shape
4. Making a distance glider
5. Distance practice and strategy
Day 3 Kit includes supplies for 30 students:
*Paper Stock for Projectile Plane and Distance Glider
*Trajectory Finder
*PowerPoint with video and instructions
A science project for drag is also available on this website. Click the science projects link for more information.
Build a Trajectory Finder yourself!

This simple to build Trajectory Finder shoots paper rockets when you pound the empty wather bottle. Dropping a basketball or similar object from a fixed height will create a standardized force with which to discover the most efficient launch angle.

You will need:
Three pieces of 1/2 inch PVC pipe-- 12 inches in length
One 14 inch piece of 2x4 wood
One regular 90 degree 1/2 inch PVC connector
One 90 degree 1/2 inch PVC connector threaded on one end
One 1/2 inch PVC splicer (straight connector)
One 1/2 inch PVC connector threaded on one end (fitting into threaded 90 degree piece)
14 inches of 5/8 inch garden hose
Duct tape-- Two small pieces for the hose ends. I taped other connections to add some color.
Scotch tape
Two Pipe Straps
Four Screws
One empty water bottle
One piece of cardboard 2.5 x 5 inches
You can find printable protractors online. The clear plastic reads nicely.

To make this paper rocket, I cut a piece of paper in half the long way. Use one piece to make a single turn around the barrel. Tape that singe wrap together, but don't tape it to the barrel. Wrap the other half around the single layer until it's all used. Make it tight and tape the seam. Remove the wrapped pieces from the barrel. Remove and save the single layer sleeve (in case you want to make more projectiles). Bend about an inch of one end of the multi-layer wrap, to the inside. Overlap the layers and use scotch tape to make it air tight. This is your projectile, ready for testing. You could add fins and a nose cone, but for our purposes it's not needed. We're testing angles and not aerodynamics.