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Assisted Distance


A) Planes must be made from paper. USFAFL paper, certified for Assisted Distance must be used.


B) Cellophane tape (Scotch tape) is allowed for making the plane. No other substance can be added to the paper or plane. 


C) Cutting the paper is allowed.


D) Flight assist board must be made from cardboard.

A) Any enclosed, indoor space of at least 16 x16 feet can be used.


B) Any portable or permanent boundary markings can be used to define the space: rope lines, tape, cones or the like. 


C) The arena may be circular or rectangular with clear boundaries.


D) A starting line and finish line will be marked.

2. Assisted Distance Field
3. Actions
4. Winning

A) Winning is simple: fly the longest distance.


B) Violation of any rule above or below is an immediate loss. 


Pilots may not:


Interfere: No attempt can be made to alter another pilot's flight.


Touch the plane after launch:  Pilots must guide their aircraft using only the updraft from the flight assist board. Repeated bumping of the plane is not allowed.  Touching or bumping the plane during a turn is not allowed. 


A) The single longest throw of the day wins. 


B) In the event of a tie, a final round of three throws will determine the winner. 



A) Pilots will begin far enough behind the starting line to allow their aircraft to be flying across the starting line.  Three tries will be allowed to start flying.  If a launch is cleanly over the line and proceeds five feet beyond, no further tries are granted.


B) Pilots will take as direct a route as possible to the finish line. 


C) The longest distance made toward the finish line wins.


D) If more than one pilot crosses the finish line flying, judges may move the finish line farther away and allow a fly off.  Or judges may demand pilots fly a down and back route, returning to the finish line.


E) Where it's practical, more than one pilot may fly at a time, so long as pilots are not affecting other pilot's progress.


A) Planes must be made from USFAFL paper rated for distance.


B) No tape, glue, or other substance may be added to the paper or completed plane. 


C) Cutting the paper is not allowed.  Folded planes only.

2. Throwing

A) Throws are made from inside a ten foot by ten foot throwing zone. 


B) Three throws are allowed. 


C) Distance is measured from the front of the throwing zone to the point where the plane first touches any object.


D) Local judges have descretion over the size of the legal landing zone.  Boundaries will be marked in advance.  A throw landing outside the designated landing zone will be disqualified. 

3. Winning
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