How does my museum sign up?
Contact John Collins: johncollins@sonic.net or 415-850-3283
What's it cost?
Fly for Fun Day programs are free for museums. The materials are easy to put together yourself. You can order a kit for 30 people, but you don't have to. Purchase of league paper for the contest is required. That's a small cost. A portion of the entry fee will come back to the museum. This will help cover the materials and extra help on contest day.
Can we just use the Fly for Fun Day programs and not have a contest?
Yes. USFAFL would like you to hold a contest, but you don't have to. Our mission is STEM education using paper airplanes. The Fly for Fun Days are an opportunity to learn a great deal. The contest is an opportunity to have some fun and learn a bit more.
Do we have to hold all the contest events?
No. You're free to choose which events you'd like to run.
What's contest day look like?
Think of a track meet, where all the events are happening at the same time. For those entered in multiple events, they compete one event and then move to the next. Score keepers record results for 3 divisions: 13 and under, 14 and older, and the Family division. If space doesn't permit this format, consider running only the events that fit your space; or using more than one day.
During the Fly for Fun Day programs, you can identify "experts" for each event. Some people will find they have a natural ability for one of three events. Those folks can be your event leaders on contest day. They'll know the rules and have a feel for the venue, so they can answer questions and keep contestants on track.
Muster as many tables as is practical to create a folding zone for pilots to get ready. A small practice zone is helpful to let folks test fly and adjust.
Can people pay and compete the same day?
We're still working on a way to do this. Right now, contestants need to sign up a week in advance. This will be easy to encourage through the Fly for Fun Days and your member email lists. We're working on a way to send an identifyable automated receipt that can be checked the same day by museums. It's much simpler to have a contestant list ready for check-in at the start of the day, but we understand the need to serve walk-ins.
How much staff do we need?
At least three people per event. One official at each venue will record results. For Dog Fighting, one official needs to watch each pilot to call fouls for touching the plane or the other pilot. For Fast Catch, a time keeper and catch counter are needed. For Distance, a judge will measure and it's helpful to have a judge call foot fouls at the launch line. If you can have a fourth person at each venue they can help keep the contestants in line and ready for their turn. WCPAL suggests wrapping the queue around the venue so contestants can watch the competition.
Should we record video and pictures?
As much as you can. We'll be adding results and video mashups as we get footage and stills. You can do your own mashups and post them on Vimeo or YouTube. If we like them, we'll link to them here. Photos of winners, winning planes, and action shots are all great to have. Fast Catch and Dog Fighting are made for video. Put a camera close to the action. Let pilots wear cameras during the Dog Fights if they feel confident in doing so.